#1 skin vitamin: (Hint: Not vitamin C)

A, B, D, E…

Skincare isn’t just about washing your face every night.

Or putting on anti-aging cream.

The truth is… 

Our daily habits affect our skin just as much, and that’s why today…

I want to share 3 lesser-known skin care tips you may not have heard of that may surprise you… 

But can take your skincare to the next level.

  1. Do THIS before your first cup of coffee

Morning coffee is necessary for most but can be incredibly dehydrating. That’s why I always recommend you have a cup of freshly squeezed hot lemon water first thing in the morning BEFORE your coffee. It helps boost your metabolism, improves digestion, and flushes your liver of toxins. 

And if you want to take a little break from coffee and caffeine try hibiscus tea. Hibiscus tea helps your skin keep its moisture and elasticity. Hibiscus has a sweet-tart and fruity flavor, making it a delicious alternative to keeping your skin hydrated…

Other hibiscus skin benefits are:

  • Helps produce and slow the breakdown of collagen
  • Reduces inflammation
  • Keeps your skin tight and prevents wrinkles
  • Exfoliates your skin
  • And plays a role in preventing infections and scarring
  1. Sleep THIS way…

When I skip my beauty rest, I tend to look puffier, swollen, and more tired with dark circles under my eyes. Getting 8 hours of sleep is important, but your sleeping position can affect your skin too!

Turns out the stomach and side sleepers report seeing deeper wrinkles and creases on their face.

If you can sleep on your back, remember to keep your head elevated. Sleeping on your back allows fluid to gather around the eyes, making them look puffy the next morning.

  1. My favorite “beauty” vitamin

We all know vitamin C is great for your skin.

But vitamin A is vital too. And it’s often overlooked. Did you know it was the first vitamin approved by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA)? Recognized as a topical ingredient that changes the appearance of your skin.

Vitamin A is a powerful antioxidant. It acts on your skin by reducing fine lines, and wrinkles, and helping to fade age spots. 

You can easily take it as a supplement, apply it as a cream, or through your diet.

Eating foods like liver, sweet potatoes, and butternut squash is a great way to get enough of this vitamin.

Spices like paprika, chili pepper, and cayenne pepper are also great sources and are easy to add to any recipe.

Well, that’s all for today. Hope you enjoyed my lesser-known skincare tips.

What I love about them is they’re so simple to do. You can start by adding one at a time so they don’t become overwhelming. 

Figure out what works best for you and your schedule since everyone is so different.

So give one a try this week, and let me know how it goes.

Stay Beautiful!

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